Peperomia angulata ‘Rocca Verde’

by | Jan 29, 2022

This pretty trailing plant has creeping stems with mid-green leaves and stripes in lighter green with a compact spreading nature. it will happily trail over the pot and across a tabletop and also a great plant for hanging pots.

The Peperomia angulata ‘Rocca Verde’ is part of a large genus of plants in the Piperaceae family and is commonly referred to as the ‘light green beetle radiator plant’

Name: Peperomia angulata ‘Rocca Verde’

Origin: Peperomia angulata is native to Florida, Mexico and the Carribbean

Light: This species will thrive in a moderate to brightly lit spot and as a rule, no further than 1 metre from a window, however,you should never expose this plant to direct sun rays as it can burn the leaves. It will also do quite well under fluorescent light if natural light is not available. They will tolerate lower light levels too however their growth will be slower.

Watering: This plant prefers the soil to almost completely dry out between watering. Do not over-water Take the plant in the growers pot out and preferable water from below, allowing the water to drain completely before placing it back into the ceramic cover pot. The roots don’t like to be left wet.

Humidity: Peperomia enjoy higher levels of moisture in the air but they will adjust quite well to lower levels of humidity in normal household conditions. You could consider lightly misting the leaves 2-3 times a week or place a humidifier near the plant.

Fertiliser: A monthly dose of a liquid or granular houseplant fertiliser during spring and summer will be sufficient. We recommend using it at half the strength to avoid possible fertiliser burn on the leaves.

Re-potting: Generally you should re-pot your peperomia after it doubles in size or once a year – which ever comes first. Choose a  soil that contain a good amount of organic matter together with pearlite or vermiculite to assist with drainage. You can purchase pearlite separately and add a handful to the soil mix.

Toxicity: This species is considered non-toxic so safe around children and pets but we still recommend it is kept out of reach.

Peperomia angulata 'Rocca Verde' in a matte black ceramic pot
Peperomia angulata 'Rocca Verde' in a matte black ceramic pot

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